The Lagotto is a dog that has been specially bred to find truffles on all kinds of terrain; it is the only breed in the world specialized in tracking down this precious tuber.
A typical water dog of small-medium size, it is light mesomorph with a rather stocky trunk. Its general appearance is rustic, strong and well-proportioned and its utility as a working dog is immediately obvious.
The expression is one of attentiveness, intelligence and vivacity. The Lagotto works enthusiastically and efficiently, making the most of its inherent search-and-find skills and excellent sense of smell. The hunting instinct has been suppressed so that it is not distracted by game. An affectionate animal, it forms a close bond with its owner and also makes a fine, easy-to-train companion.
Wir wünschen allen Welpenkäufern und Lagotto Freunden nah und fern eine besinnliche und friedvolle Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our puppy buyers and Lagotto enthusiasts around the world.
We are on the way to pick up Argo and won't be able to post any updates until Friday, March 29.
A very good video about the Lepto infection and the vaccination against it.
We don't vaccinate against Lepto and don't recommend it either.
Today we took Sergio, our remaining pup after Sissi and Ettore, to the mall for some socialisation. After realizing, that not every single human needs to be greeted personally, he calmed down quickly and had fun.
Wie alle paar Tage gab es heute als neue Erfahrung Rinderhufe.
Die riechen noch so richtig nach Kuh und mussten dementsprechend erst Mal verbellt werden. Schließlich muss man dem unbekannten Ding ja klar machen, wer hier Chef ist!